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If you are seeking a book about trading, written by celebrities, do not purchase this book. If, however, you are seeking concrete, solid information and knowledge from traders, researchers, and other interesting and talented individuals, you've come to the right place. For years now, I have noticed a disparity between real traders and "gurus," who appeal to the public speculator. Trading Chicago Style: Insights and Strategies of Today's Top Traders, is a follow-up and in-depth exploration of many of the topics outlined in my previous book, Tricks of the Floor Trader. When I mention trading Chicago style, people think of the raucous cacophony of the trading pits. But it is more than that. It is a style of trading going back to before the Civil War. It is trading characterized by huge liquid markets and market makers prepared to make a fair trade in all kinds of volatile market conditions.
Trading Chicago Style is more than a look at pit trading. As Chicago markets have evolved, pit trading has already reached critical mass. Certainly, electronic technology in trading is the next logical step.
Many of the names in this book you may not recognize. I find there is an inverse relationship between celebrity status and trading success. Each person in this book was interviewed by me in Chicago. In some cases I went back three, four, and even five times to extract relevant, cogent information.
As you read Trading Chicago Style, you will find various opinions on systems versus intuition, or back-testing versus experience. That will be fun and informative reading. Equally important, in my estimation, are the common threads of money management, risk adversity, and psychology that permeate Trading Chicago Style.

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