C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
by Valluru B. Rao
M&T Books, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
ISBN: 1558515526   Pub Date: 06/01/95

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Output for a Five-City Problem

Please type number of cities, number of iterations
5 40

0.0645 0.069 0.0595 0.0615 0.0825   //input vector—there are 25
neurons in the network
0.074 0.0865 0.056 0.095 0.06
0.0625 0.0685 0.099 0.0645 0.0615
0.056 0.099 0.065 0.093 0.051
0.0675 0.094 0.0595 0.0635 0.0515

type distance (integer) from city 0 to city 1
type distance (integer) from city 0 to city 2
type distance (integer) from city 0 to city 3
type distance (integer) from city 0 to city 4

type distance (integer) from city 1 to city 2
type distance (integer) from city 1 to city 3
type distance (integer) from city 1 to city 4

type distance (integer) from city 2 to city 3
type distance (integer) from city 2 to city 4

type distance (integer) from city 3 to city 4

 Distance Matrix
0   10  14   7  6
10   0  12   9  18
14  12  0   24  16
7   9   24   0  32
6   18  16  32  0

Weight Matrix    //25x25 matrix of weights. There are 25 neurons
in the network.

-30  -70   -70  -70   -70
-70  -630  -30  -30   -630
-70  -70   -30  -70   -70
-70  -630  -70  -630  -30
-30  -870  -70  -70   -30

-70   -30  -70   -70  -70
-630  -70  -630  -30  -30
-870  -70  -70   -30  -70
-70   -30  -630  -70  -630
-30   -30  -70   -70  -70

-70  -70   -30  -70   -70
-30  -630  -70  -630  -30
-30  -70   -70  -70   -30
-70  -30   -30  -630  -70
-630 -30   -70  -70   -70

-70  -70   -70   -30   -70
-30  -30   -630  -70   -630
-30  -70   -70   -70   -70
-30  -630  -30   -30   -630
-70  -870  -70   -630  -30

-70   -70  -70   -70   -30
-630  -30  -30   -630  -70
-870  -70  -630  -30   -30
-630  -30  -70   -70   -70
-70   -70  -630  -70   -630

-70  -630  -30  -30   -630
-30  -70   -70  -70   -70
-70  -630  -70  -630  -30
-30  -70   -30  -70   -70
-70  -750  -30  -630  -70

-630  -70  -630  -30  -30
-70   -30  -70   -70  -70
-750  -30  -630  -70  -630
-30   -70  -70   -30  -70
-70   -30  -30   -30  -630

-30  -630  -70   -630  -30
-70  -70   -30   -70   -70
-30  -30   -30   -630  -70
-630 -70   -70   -70   -30
-70  -30   -630  -30   -30

-30  -30   -630  -70   -630
-70  -70   -70   -30   -70
-30  -630  -30   -30   -630
-70  -70   -70   -70   -70
-30  -750  -70   -870  -30

-630  -30  -30   -630  -70
-70   -70  -70   -70   -30
-750  -70  -870  -30   -30
-870  -70  -750  -30   -30
-750  -30  -870  -70   -870

-70  -870  -30  -30   -870
-70  -750  -30  -30   -750
-30  -870  -70  -870  -30
-30  -750  -70  -750  -30
-30  -70   -30  -870  -70

-870  -70  -870  -30  -30
-750  -70  -750  -30  -30
-70   -30  -870  -70  -870
-30   -30  -750  -70  -750
-30   -70  -30   -30  -870

-30   -870  -70  -870  -30
-30   -750  -70  -750  -30
-70   -30   -30  -870  -70
-870  -30   -30  -750  -70
-750  -70   -870 -30   -30

-30  -30   -870  -70   -870
-30  -30   -750  -70   -750
-70  -870  -30   -30   -870
-70  -750  -30   -30   -750
-70  -70   -70   -450  -30

-870  -30  -30   -870  -70
-750  -30  -30   -750  -70
-70   -70  -450  -30   -30
-450  -70  -570  -30   -30
-570  -70  -450  -70   -450

-70  -450  -30  -30   -450
-70  -570  -30  -30   -570
-70  -450  -70  -450  -30
-30  -570  -70  -570  -30
-30  -1470 -30  -450  -70

-450  -70  -450  -30  -30
-570  -70  -570  -30  -30
-1470 -30  -450  -70  -450
-30   -30  -570  -70  -570
-30   -30  -30   -30  -450

-30  -450  -70   -450  -30
-30  -570  -70   -570  -30
-30  -30   -30   -450  -70
-450 -30   -30   -570  -70
-570 -30   -450  -30   -30

-30  -30    -450  -70   -450
-30  -30    -570  -70   -570
-30  -450   -30   -30   -450
-70  -570   -30   -30   -570
-70  -1470  -70   -390  -30

-450   -30   -30    -450  -70
-570   -30   -30    -570  -70
-1470  -70   -390   -30   -30
-390   -70   -1110  -30   -30
-1110  -70   -390   -70   -390

-70  -390   -30  -30    -390
-70  -1110  -30  -30    -1110
-70  -390   -70  -390   -30
-30  -1110  -70  -1110  -30
-30  -990   -30  -390   -70

-390   -70  -390   -30  -30
-1110  -70  -1110  -30  -30
-990   -30  -390   -70  -390
-30    -30  -1110  -70  -1110
-30    -30  -30    -30  -390

-30    -390   -70   -390   -30
-30    -1110  -70   -1110  -30
-30    -30    -30   -390   -70
-390   -30    -30   -1110  -70
-1110  -30    -390  -30    -30

-30  -30    -390   -70  -390
-30  -30    -1110  -70  -1110
-30  -390   -30    -30  -390
-70  -1110  -30    -30  -1110
-70  -990   -30    -30  -990

-390  -30  -30  -390   -70
-1110 -30  -30  -1110  -70
-990  -30  -30  -990   -70
-1950 -30  -30  -1950  -70
-70   -70  -70  -70    -30

initial activations

 the activations:
-290.894989  -311.190002  -218.365005  -309.344971  -467.774994
-366.299957  -421.254944  -232.399963  -489.249969  -467.399994
-504.375     -552.794983  -798.929871  -496.005005  -424.964935
-374.639984  -654.389832  -336.049988  -612.870056  -405.450012
-544.724976  -751.060059  -418.285034  -545.465027  -500.065063

the outputs
0.029577  0.023333  0.067838  0.023843  0.003636
0.012181  0.006337  0.057932  0.002812  0.003652
0.002346  0.001314  6.859939e-05  0.002594  0.006062
0.011034  0.000389  0.017419  0.000639  0.00765
0.001447  0.000122  0.006565  0.001434  0.002471

40 iterations completed

 the activations:
-117.115494  -140.58519   -85.636215   -158.240143  -275.021301
-229.135956  -341.123871  -288.208496  -536.142212  -596.154297
-297.832794  -379.722595  -593.842102  -440.377625  -442.091064
-209.226883  -447.291016  -283.609589  -519.441101  -430.469696
-338.93219   -543.509766  -386.950531  -538.633606  -574.604492

the outputs
0.196963  0.156168  0.263543  0.130235  0.035562
0.060107  0.016407  0.030516  0.001604  0.000781
0.027279  0.010388  0.000803  0.005044  0.004942
0.07511   0.004644  0.032192  0.001959  0.005677
0.016837  0.001468  0.009533  0.001557  0.001012

tourcity 0 tour order 2

tourcity 1 tour order 0

tourcity 2 tour order 1

tourcity 3 tour order 4

tourcity 4 tour order 3

 the tour :

 distance of tour is : 73

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